Spin polarization resonant tunneling with dresselhaus and rashba spin- orbit coupling in the presence of - hydrostatic pressure and the magnetic field


Spin polarization
Dresselhaus and Rashba Spin-orbit coupling
Spin filters

How to Cite

Spin polarization resonant tunneling with dresselhaus and rashba spin- orbit coupling in the presence of - hydrostatic pressure and the magnetic field . (2024). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(Suplemento), 17-21. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.2574


Whereas electron transport through spin polarization has a high potential for applications of electronic devices, emaking relevant the study of the physical effects inherent to the spin; are shown with this work theoretical results which allow investigations done about possible optimal heterostructures for spin filter manufacturing. The spin polarization is analyzed using the resonant tunneling on a double potentíal barrier considering the se- miconductor heterostructure of GaAs/Ga, Al,As/GaAs. The physical-mathematical model presented includes the interaction of coupling of the spin type: k3-Dresselhaus and Rashba in the barriers, Rashba before and afier them and Dresselbaus in the well. In addition all the heterostructure is subjected to a constant magnetic field and hydrostatic pressure (PH); because of these additional effects, the model also considers the g factor of Landé as function of the PH. The estimates obtained for the spin polarization is in function of the energy applied to the electron, the magnetic field and fixed PH.



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