Two taxonomic novelties for the genus Ageratina Spach in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera are described and illustrated. First, Ageratina laurae is proposed as a new species restricted to the southwestern rural areas of Ciudad Bolívar and Usme’s administrative localities. Studying herbarium specimens, we found the new taxon resembled Ageratina gynoxoides (Wedd.) R.M.King & H.Rob, although it differs mainly by having leaves with arachnoid adpressed indument in the abaxial surface (vs. lanuginous-ferruginous indument), revolute margin (vs. flattened), and white predominantly glabrous corollas (vs. pink with dense indument). Second, we propose two varieties for A. gynoxoides based on its current geographic isolation, the differentiated density of the indument in the mid vein of leaves, and the density of glands in the corollas.
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