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tissue engineering

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SOME APPLICATIONS OF ACID POLY-L-LACTIC. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(142), 1-129.


The succinct description of some works on poly(L-lactic acid) PLLA, a biodegradable compound, in the polymer laboratories of the Universidad del Valle, is the subject of this article. Specifically, the synthesis of low and high molecular weight PLA and its application in the fabrication of devices or scaffolds for bone cells growth, either in the form of soft blocks, films, porous blocks, screws, is described. The characterization of these materials was performed by spectroscopy (NMR and IR), thermal analysis, microscopy, molecular weight determination (viscometry, chromatography) and their mechanical properties. Tissue growth and biocompatibility were studied by implanting the materials in rabbits followed by macroscopic and histological evaluations.

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