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ionic crystals
proton dynamics
electrical relaxation
universal behavior

How to Cite

EXACTLY SOLVABLE MODELS IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF COULOMB SYSTEMS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 37(142), 495-504. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.37(142).2013.2536


Using impedance spectroscopy measurements in the radio-frequency range in two types of proton conducting materials with disordered structure, ionic crystals with disordered hydrogen bonds (MH2PO4, M = NH4, K) and solid polymers based on poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), the proton dynamics have been investigated. They display similar characteristics of their complex conductivity, permittivity and electric modulus spectra. Both materials show an Arrhenius-type thermally activated dc conductivity; their conductivities aredescribed at high frequencies (w/2p) by a power-law dependencyωn, where 0<n≤1 (Jonscher’s law) and the electric modulus spectra follows in the time domain an exponential decay function , where t is temperature activated and relaxation time, and 0<b<1 describes the slowing down of the relaxation process as a result of proton hopping

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