It was evaluated the effect of potassium Phosphite, Fosetyl-Al, Acibenzolar-s-methyl, DL-3-aminobutyric acid and lixiviates of rachis of plantain, on the reduction of nematodes in soil and roots of seedlings of Dominico Hartón and FHIA-21. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block with seven treatments, four replications and eight plants per replication, including two controls: absolute and relative. Sprouting, seedling height, root length, dry matter of roots and number of nematodes in 100 g of roots and soil were registered. In all treatments occurred 100% of sprouting. Seedling height and root length was not affected adversely by the application of inductors of resistance, except in those treated with lixiviates of rachis of plantain, which showed symptoms of phytotoxicity. The dry matter of roots increased over time in treatments with the inductors. The application of resistance inductors significantly reduced populations of plant parasitic nematodes in roots of Dominico-Harton between 61 and 91% and FHIA-21 between 51 and 85%. In soil the reduction ranged between 42 and 78% in Dominico-Harton and between 38 y 72% in FHIA-21. In both materials was found Radopholus similis, Helicotylenchus spp. and Meloidogyne spp.
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