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Crocodylus intermedius
ex situ population
allelic richness
mating pairs

How to Cite

GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF CROCODYLUS INTERMEDIUS COLOMBIAN EX SITU POPULATION. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 36(140), 373-383.


A genetic study of Crocodylus intermedius ex situ population was made. This population is located in the Es-
tación de Biología Tropical Roberto Franco. The aim of this study is to establish the ex situ population genetic potential and propose mating pairs for its management. Heterologous primers were used for microsatellite lociamplification; three of them were monomorphic and six polymorphic with 2 to 16 alleles. Adults were parent candidates of a different number of juveniles, which suggest  differences in reproduction. Also, 121 juveniles did not have adult parent candidates, for that reason they were considered from external origin. Between adults and juveniles there were not differences in He and A, which means that genetic diversity loss was not found. Mating pairs are proposed between individuals with a r=0 coefficient to increase heterozigosity. Every individual should reproduce to avoid allelic richness loss and genetic population differentiation from wild population.

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