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DioxoMolibdenum Complexes
Oxyen Atom Transfer
Titania Anchored Catalysts

How to Cite

PHOTO STIMULATED OXYGEN ATOM TRANSFER WITH MO(DIOXO) COMPLEXES ANCHORED ON TIO2. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 36(139), 279-286.


In this paper, the formation of an Oxygen Transfer (OAT) green bioinspired system was developed. The OAT to Pφ3 and ethylbenzene, using molecular oxygen and UV-Vis light is reported. The catalyst consists of complexes of the type [Mo(=O)2 L], L=bipyriyll(bipi), lbipyrazolyl(bpz) bound to TiO2 . The OAT is stimulated by an electron current, generated by the action of UV-visible light on TiO2, which is transferred to the Mo = O unit o promote the OAT. The contribution of the superoxide anion O2 - , formed by the action of the e-photogenerated with O2, seems to play an important role in regenerating the Mo(= O)2 active center since in the absence of light OAT is stoichiometric.

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