During three weeks in March-April 2009, I made a rapid evaluation of the avifauna of the eastern sector of the Yaigojé-Apaporis Indigenous Reserve, around various communities along the río Apaporis, an area lacking in previous ornithological studies. I recorded a total of 225 species of birds in 58 families and collected 65 specimens representing 52 species. These included 21 first records for the middle Apaporis region, seven of which also represented significant range extensions; records for 12 species helped fill large gaps in their known distributions and for one species I obtained the first evidence for breeding in Colombia, where previously known only as an austral migrant. For the avifauna in general, the period of the annual molt was ending and the breeding season was just beginning during the expedition. Most of the species recorded are widely distributed in the Amazon basin, but many subspecies show Guianan affinities. This avifauna surely includes at least 400 species, which amply justifies its protection and further study.
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