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Bahías en Colombia y el Mundo, Modelación Paramétrico (fórmula de “Merian”, 1828 y Yanomi y Tsuji, 1998).

How to Cite

STUDY OF LONG WAVE RESONANCE IN THE COLOMBIAN PACIFIC AND OTHER NATURAL BAYS BY MEANS OF PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 36(139), 253-259.


Resonant oscillations are a known and well documented phenomenon in many ports and harbors around the world (Vidal et al., 2000). The interest of monitoring of these oscillations is that all ports and bays which havebeen observed, reaching a large amplitude and frequency which in turn leads to extensive damage by affecting the harbor structures and ships at anchor, as documented for the port of Ciutadella.
We have selected 18 bays in 8 countries (Colombia, Honduras, United States, Spain, Italy, France, Ukraine and Romania), for analysis of this important phenomenon observed in different natural harbors in the world, by Parametric Equations: the vibration periods of the bays were determined by simplifying the formula of “Merian”, 1828 and platforms proposed by calculating Yanomi and Tsuji, 1998. Resonance was demonstrated for some bays, and we conclude that resonant phenomena are not a sporadic event, because including also a direct relationship between the resonant amplification of the bays and continental shelves where they are located and which should be subject of a depth study due to disasters that can cause about major structural works.

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