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unbalanced magnetron
magnetic field

How to Cite

UNBALANCED MAGNETRON: MAGNETIC FIELD CONFIGURATION AND CORRELATION WITH THE FIELD OF 2 CONCENTRIC COILS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 36(138), 37-44. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.36(138).2012.2430


Unbalanced magnetrons are increasingly used in research, technological and industrial applications, particularly those related with physical vapor deposition processes (PVD) used for the growth of thin films (Marulanda et al,. 2011; Olaya et al., 2011). These films have many applications as hard, optical, decorative and electronic coatings. The use of such magnetrons can significantly increase the growth rates of the films and the process efficiency, which also improves significantly the quality of the films obtained. In this work, measurements of the axial and radial components of the magnetic fields generated by an unbalanced magnetron with axial symmetry were carried out; it was found that the magnetic field of a magnetron built with a cylindrical and a concentric ring magnets with opposite polarities, correlated well with the magnetic field generated by two concentric coplanar loops, whose currents flow in opposite directions. The theoretical magnetic field was calculated applying the Biot -Savart law, and evaluated numerically using MatLab program.

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