Results of a survey of freshwater crabs in Casanare are presented. The species belong to the families Trichodactylidae and Pseudothelphusidae. The Trichodactylidae are represented by the species: a. Forsteria venezuelensis (Rathbun, 1905), for which new records are reported from the Upía, the Caja and Cusiana river basins, b. Moreirocarcinus emarginatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1853), reported here from the Unete River basin, a new record for Casanare and c. Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) also reported for the first time in Casanare, from the Cravo Sur and Unete river basins. Pseudothelphusidae are represented by the species: a. Neostrengeria celioi Campos & Pedraza, 2008, a new species for Casanare, b. Neostrengeria bataensis Campos & Pedraza, 2008, originally described from Santa María, Boyacá, herein reported for the first time from Casanare, and c. Eudaniela casanarensis (Campos, 2001), previously known only from the type collection from Aguazul, is herein reported to be widespread in the foothill region of Casanare.
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