Calyx and stamen characters have been used traditionally to separate genera and also to establish sections within genera in the tribe Merianieae (Melastomataceae). However, they have not been analyzed integrally from the point of view of homologies. In this study, a complete species list for the tribe is presented. We evaluated the variation of calyx and stamens characters. In the tribe Merianieae, there are 15 genera and 277 species; of these, 78% of the species was completely evaluated for these characters, and the other 22% was partially evaluated. Twenty-three characters were established; five of them were associated with the calyx and 18 with the stamens. In Merianieae, there are many combinations in the development of calyx lobes, the dorsal tooth, and the opening of the calyptra. The flowers are diplostemonous. Be found that in five of the genera (80% of the overall species of the tribe) there are nongeniculate stamen. We conclude that in the group with nongeniculate stamens, there was a merger of tissues of the connective and the filament. This fusion does not allow the stamens to untwist during anthesis. The variability of the characters is quantified in the most diverse genera, and the causes of problems of circumscription between the genera Centronia, Graffenrieda, and Meriania are documented.
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