Traditionally it has been accepted, that there were not cenozoic magmatic events in the Orinoco basin. Recently, however there have been some discoveries of evidence of that type of events in the slope of the Cordillera Oriental. The one described in this report is the first found in the foothills. The Guamal volcanic neck intrudes a stratigraphic sequence, completely different than that of the Cordillera.
Galvis, J., Huguet, A. y Ruge, P. 1979. Geología de la Amazonia Colombiana Bol. Geol. No. 22, pp. 1-86.
Galvis, J. 1994. Estudio Geológico de la Sierra de Chiribiquete y zonas aledañas (Parque Nacional-Natural Chiribiquete). Rev. Acad. Col. de Ciencias Fis. Ex. y Nat. Vol. XIX. No. 73, pp. 275-286.
Trumpy D. 1943. Pre-cretaceous of Colombia. Bull, Geol. Soc. Amer.,Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1281-1304.

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