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inborn errors

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TWENTY TWO YEARS OF BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM IN COLOMBIA. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 33(128), 377-394.


This article describes the participation of the author during 20 years in the diagnosis and molecular studies of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) in Colombia. It is described the several methodologies that were standardized for the diagnosis of IEM and the biochemical confirmation for the first time in Colombia, of close to 50 IEM. It is discussed the different types of therapies that have been used to treat them, and the difficulties for the nutritional treatment in Colombia. The enzyme replacement therapy is treated in detail because it is the most efficient way for the treatment of the lysosomal storage diseases, and because it has been introduced in Colombia shortly after it was approved in the EE.UU. Some brief comments are made about the limitations of therapies that are coming for monogenic diseases and the discovery of new mutations in the genes responsible for the Gaucher and Morquio diseases in Colombian patients.

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