It was determined the performance of FHIA-20 and FHIA-23 to both Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola. The study was conducted in a screen house at the Montelindo´s farm of the University of Caldas, at 1010 mosl, average temperature 22.8°C, annual precipitation 2200 mm, and relative humidity 76%. Conidia of Paracercospora fijiensis and Pseudocercospora musae, and mixture of both, were inoculated to seedlings having between 4 and 6 leaves. It was evaluated incubation period (IP) of both pathogens, times of evolution of symptoms (TES) and disease development (TDD), also, lesions per leaf (NLL). In FHIA-20, P. musae, P. fijiensis and P. musae+ P. fijiensis, had a longer IP than in Dominico Hartón, being 3, 20 and 10 days longer, respectively; in addition, the TES of yellow and black sigatokas and the combination of both diseases, was more prolonged in FHIA-20, in 5, 49 and 26 days, respectively, than in local material. In FHIA-23, P. musae, P. fijiensis and P. musae + P. fijiensis, had 2, 6 and 3 more days of IP, respectively, than in Gros Michel; furthermore, FHIA-23 had a TES of yellow and black sigatokas and the combination of both, higher than in Gros Michel, in 9, 16 and 11 days, respectively. In general, FHIA-23 behaved as highly resistant and tolerant to black and yellow sigatokas, respectively, and FHIA-23, resistant.
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