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reef fishes
Landscape coralline ecological units (LCEU)
Marine Protected Area
Islas del Rosario

How to Cite

RAPID EVALUATION OF REEF FISHES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SUBSTRATE STRUCTURE IN THE ROSARIO ISLANDS, MARINE PROTECTED AREA FROM COLOMBIAN CARIBBEAN. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 33(127), 273-283. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.33(127).2009.2363


Reef fish communities and the characterization of the reef substrate were assessed through visual census in the Rosario islands, to establish the possible relationship between these two variables. A total of 106 fish species and five landscape coralline ecological units (LCEU) were recorded, with some differences between insular and offshore stations, owing to variations in the substrate structure, environmental factors and anthropogenic influence. The highest richness, abundance and diversity values were found in a combination of the LCEU mixed corals (Cmix), Montastraea (Mon) and Octocorals-mixed corals (Oct-Cmix), mainly observed in Bajo Tortugas. Most research is necessary to enhance the knowledge about fish diversity in the coastal ecosystems and the ecological factors that determines their distribution.

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