The results of the study of freshwater Crustacean, decapod, in the region of Acandí, Sapzurro, are presented. The collected biological materials belong to the Infraorders Caridea and Brachyura, represented by the species Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836), M. carcinus (Linnée, 1758), M. crenulatum (Holthuis, 1950), Potimirim glabra (Kingsley, 1978), Sylviocarcinus piriformis (Pretzmann, 1968), and Potamocarcinus pinzoni (Campos, 2003). Herein included new records extend the species' distribution. The Acandí region is characterized for being one of the most important ecological regions of Colombia, especially for its location and conservation. Nevertheless, increased pressure of region settlers represents a risk for the stability of the ecosystem and therefore of the species' populations. The conservation of this region should be supported by private entities and the establishment of aquaculture systems with native species.
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