One of the most important historical earthquakes happened in Colombia took place in June 7th, 1925. In spite of being catalogued with magnitude M 6.75 (Gutenberg and Richter, 1954) and to have caused outstanding damages in Cali and other urban centers of the suroccidente region, it has not been the object of enough macroseismical investigations. Recently, several investigators have carried out some studies of instrumental relocation that try to evaluate its possible source, without this problem has been solved definitively.
The present work, as macroseismical contribution, uses documental sources (historical archives, newspaper, and bibliography) to describe the main effects in different populations, especially in Cali, where a map of localization of the area with more damages is elaborated. In terms of the scale EMS-98, the macroseismical intensity and the factor of quality (Q) for each place are evaluated, being also shown the respective intensity map. It is necessary to write down that the processed information not yet allows elaborating a reliable isoseismal map, neither to establish accurately parameters like epicentral intensity, macroseismical epicenter, depth, and the attenuation relationship, leaving open a window of deeper macroseismical investigation about this earthquake.
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