In order to compare histologically the reproductive systems of four different batoid lineages 93 specimens (62 females and 31 males) of four species were examined: Narcine bancroftii (fami Narcinidae), Rhinobatos percellens (family Rhinobatidae), Urotrygon venezuelae (family Urotrygonidae) and Dasyatis guttata (family Dasyatidae). Three types of female systems were differentiated: a generalized one, represented by R. percellens, one with ovaries including unique internal structures, such as those of U. venezuelae and D. guttata, and a highly derived one, with uniquely shaped internal structures, in N. bancroftii. However, those features are autapomorphic precluding the establishment of any hypothesis of relationships. Differences between male systems are less marked; testicles in N. bancroftii are generalized, while they show some degree of external lobulation in R. percellens; Radial testicles appear in U. venezuelae and D. guttata, which are modified in the former species.
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