The multifractal spectrum, f(α), was estimated for hourly rainfall records of 47 gauges located at the tropical Andes of Colombia using five different methodologies. All of these methodologies were applied to binomial measures, which have a well known theoretical multifractal spectrum. From the results, it is possible to conclude the following: (i) all methodologies have satisfactory results in the estimation of f(α) for the synthetic binomial measures (ii) the five methodologies showed different estimations for the rainfall time series spectrum; (iii) the multifractal strength, Δα, showed a wide range of values, varying from 0.66 to 7.4 (iv) the Renyi exponent, T(q), could be represented by a simple two-parameter model, which is based on a generalized version of the multiplicative cascade model; and (v) no clear relationship between the parameters used in this research and elevation was found. Finally, a discussion about the characteristics of the models and problems in the spectrum estimation for hourly time series is presented.
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