Based on the review of Colombian herbarium specimens and field work conducted, a first synoptical review of the Spiranthoideae orchids from Colombia, with 32 genus and 200 species is presented. In the first part, a key for the identification of the tribes, subtribes, and genus made in Colombia and a synopsis of the tribes Goodyereae (6 gen., 56 spp.) and Spirantheae, subtribes Prescottiinae (5 gen., 36 spp.) and Spiranthinae (5 gen., 11 spp.) is presented. The most diverse genus are Microchilus with 32 spp., Gomphichis with 17 and ligeophila with 8. As a part of the researchs results, 31 new records are added to the known list of Colombian species, which belong to the genera Aspidogyne, Brachystele, Gomphichis, Kreodanthus, ligeoplzila, Microchilus y Plathytelys. In some cases, there are species previously known only of the neighboring countries and, in other cases, it makes reference to recently described taxa. The new combination Gomphichis huilaensis (Garay) H. Dueñas & Fern. Alonso is proposed.
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