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finite element method
microparticle manipulation
interdigitated microelectrodes

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MODELING AND SIMULATION OF MICROSTRUCTURES FOR HANDLING MICROPARTICLE. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 32(124), 361-371.


This work is addressed to the process of modeling, simulation and testing a platinum microelectrode array manufactured in microsystems technology and designed to be applied on bioparticle manipulation. This manipulation is performed by means of non uniform electric fields generated with interdigitated electrodes of 70 mm in size, which can originate the common dielectrophoresis phenomenon. Distributions of potential, electric field and dielectrophoretic force were calculated employing the finite element method. Furthermore, the most relevant results related to manipulation of polystyrene microparticles are also reported.

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