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Expressed Sequenced Tags
relational databases
sequence analysis
transcript assemblies

How to Cite

INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MOLECULAR DATA IN COFFEE: II. DEVELOPMENT OF DATABASES. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 32(124), 325-330.


Cenicafé has carried out the development of a Bioinformatics platform for the storage, analysis and easy accessibility of the data of the project that study the genomes of several coffee species, the coffee berry borer and the fungus Beauveria bassiana. The projects that involve the construction of cDNA libraries and the development of sequences of ESTs have as a common goal to catalogue the genes of a particular species. In the present study we describe the databases developed at Cenicafé and the statistics of the sequences stored until May 2007. These databases include the corresponding analysis of “Trancript Assemblies” from sequences of ESTs, microsatellites molecular markers (SSRs) and BES (BAC-End sequences). The system developed has implemented Web interfaces for the access, easy accessibility and utilization for the scientists in genome projects since the system can be accessed from any computer at Cenicafé through a system of authentication that permits to maintain the data secure. The system developed permits an ample growth and the access to the information brought up to date of each species studied in an efficient and fast way.

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