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biological data base
open source software
Laboratory Integrated Management System

How to Cite

INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR LHE MANAGEMENT OF MOLECULAR DATA IN COFFEE: L. DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF TOOLS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 32(124), 317-324.


For such effect Cenicafé developed a genomic oriented Laboratory Integrated Management System - LIMS which, based on GPL tools, permitted to build a low cost and high-quality system, with the essential applications needed to fulfill genomic studies. The system is specialized for the management of information related to EST sequences, BACs and Microsatellites of several species of coffee, the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei and the fungus Beauveria bassiana. For the analysis of the information we wrote specific pipelines to proceed with the grouping, curation and annotation of the sequences. A database relational model was created for storage of the information generated, Web interfaces with specialized search engines were designed and tools for displaying gene assemblies graphics, annotations, statistical data and other related information were incorporated in the system. The current system is accessible from the Cenicafé Intranet by means of a user authentication mechanism, permitting an efficient and fast way of accessing the data. The system is in constant change due to the continuous updating of the data obtained in the genome projects at Cenicafé and of sequence data stored in world databases.

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