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Photo oxidation
basic solids: zeolites

How to Cite

EFFECT OF PHOTOOXIDATION OF SENSITIZED SOLIDS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(116), 407-418. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.30(116).2006.2268


The results of our investigations on the photooxidation activity of sensitized solids with different coordination compounds are shown. These materials have been used in selective oxidation and advanced oxidation processes. The sensitization of TiO2 with MoVI(O)2(L)4 facilitates the molecular oxygen transference process to PPh3 and cyclohexene under illumination. Synergy in the oxidation reaction is observed when TiO2 is sensitized with metallic phthalocyanines (TSPcM/TiO2) where M = Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. An increase in the Cyclohexene oxidation reaction rate in organic medium is observed, independent of the transition metal. Platinum deposits on carboxyphthalocyanines sensitized TiO2 show an increase in the photo-oxidation rate of phenol in aqueous medium, under irradiation with visible light. It is possible to oxidize mercaptans with intercalated phthalocyanines in basic solids (Hydrotalcite and zeolites) without an external alkaline medium, and under illumination, advanced oxidation products are formed.

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