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temperature programmed desorption (TPD)

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NOx REDUCTION CATALYSIS ON CARBONIZED SOURCES. EFFECT OF POTASSIUM AND CARBON MONOXIDE. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(116), 397-406.


Results on the role of CO as a reducing agent and the effects of potassium are reported for the resin char and a Wyodak coal char. It is shown that catalytic enhancement of NO reduction by carbon is accompanied by a lower activation energy and greater CO2 production. Additional CO in the gas phase catalyses NO reduction via the creation of more labile surface complexes and facilitation of desorption of other oxygen complexes. N2O reduction on the K-promoted resin char exhibits lower activation energy than NO reduction over the same materials, and produces primarily CO2. Additional CO increases CO2 evolution and has an effect for the promoted demineralised Wyodak coal char.

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