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optic absorption

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DEVELOPMENT OF BACTERICIDAL PROPERTIES ON ENAMELS FOR SANITARY CERAMICS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(116), 387-396.


With the objective of inducing germicidal effects on the surface of a sanitary ceramic enameled under characteristic conditions of the industry, different concentrations of TiO2 were included in a standard composition of reference and there were carried out variations in the thermal treatment. Optical analysis of spectrophotometry UV/VIS and spectrofluorimetry, analysis of structural control, and the later evaluation of the germicidal behavior of selected samples on a strain of Escherichia coli allowed us to determine a decrease in the population regarding the reference enamel, and to relate this behavior with a larger optical absorption in the interval 310-380 nm, higher fluorescent emission in the interval 620-635 nm, and notable presence of rutile crystals.

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