Due to its particular properties and potencial many applications, nanomaterials have been a target for research during the last two decades. In order to understand the industrial impact of the research in nanomaterials, we present a brief historical accounting of its development. Then we show its current impact in research, innovation and technology. In order to show this impact we use as variables the number of publications, patents, the amount of investment (public and private) and the number of companies, labs and research institutions that have been created during the last decades. Because of the loosely understanding we still have about their impact on living beings and the environment, governments in many countries have decided to adapt current legislation to deal with issues of health, security and ethics during its fabrication and commercialization. We also show a possible future scenario on the development of nanotechnology based of a recent workshop run by the Fundación de la Innovación, Bankinter in Spain. Finally, we show a prospective agenda for CENM in which the main strategic lines are delineated taking into account these trends in research and the industry. These strategic lines could be used to guide the development of natotechnology in Colombia in the near future.
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