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FIRST REPORT OF THE AMPHIBIAN COMMUNITY FOR THE MIDDLE MAGDALENA (DEPARTMENT OF CALDAS, COLOMBIA). (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 30(115), 291-304.


During the field work, between September of 2003 and December of 2004, to evaluate the composition of amphibian assemblages in the private Natural Reservation Riomanso, in the department of Caldas, we registered 30 species of amphibians distributed in three orders, which constitutes one of the localities with more diversity in the interior of the Magdalena valley. The presence of nine species with restricted distributions to the Magdalena Valley is notable. The diversity of amphibians for this region indicates that the biogeographical district of Nechí is a mosaic of faunas that are articulated according to the vegetation type, humidity, and altitude.

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