Between march and august 2004 samples were taken every two weeks on aquatic insects coming from rivers, covered with some ripary forest and active grass, in an hydric protection area at the town of Abejorral in order to analyze the influences of covers and climate epoch on the bentic fauna community. The major number of species emerged between the months that are usually dry up (July - August), the riparian forest zone, was the most diversified but less abundant, follow by planted zone forest and then by the grass zone with less diversity and higher dominión. In that zone major abundant families were found and major temperatura in the water. Among the emerging insects Diptera dominated. The Anthomyiidae family, Ceratopogonidae, Dixidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae, Sciomiydae and Stratiomyiidae, emerged only at rainy season, Sarcophagidae, Leptoceridae, Braconidae and Muscidae, Dolichopodidae and Tipuliidae emerged continuosly along the studying time.
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