Banded karyotypes (Q, R, C and G) were identified from four captive examples of the Callicebus genus of unknown procedence in Colombian zoos. A new karyotype with 44 chromosomes (2n = 44: 16 Bi, 26 A) was found in two animals, living in different zoos in Colombia, and identified as C. cupreus ornatus, an endemic Colombian subspecies, different to all those described to date for this genus. No differences were found from previously described karyotypes for the other two examples: a female C. torquatus (2n=20:8 Bi, 10 A) and a male C. cupreus cf discolor (2n= 46: 16 Bi, 28 A). A telomeric fusion (or fission) involving chromosomes 1 and 20 of C. c. cf discolor, chromosomes, and chromosome 1 in C. c. ornatus, is suggested as being responsible for the reduced karyotype. The complexity of this rearrangement could lead to the beginning of the reproductive isolation between these two taxa.
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