A biographical synthesis of the Venezuelan scientist Gilberto Rodríguez (1929-2004) is presented. He stands as a main actor in the development of the environmental sciences and carcinology in Venezuela and America. A list of his scientific publications is included.
Bott, R. 1975. Dekapoden (Crustacea) aus El Salvador. 3. Süsswasserkrabben (Pseudothelphusa). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 36(3/4): 229-242.
Díaz, H. & G. Rodríguez 1977. The branchial chamber of some terrestrial and semiterrestrial crabs. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole, 153: 485-504.
Rathbun, M. 1904. Les Crabes d'eau douce (Potamoninidae). Nouvelles Archives Du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, (4)6: 225-312.
Rathbun, M. 1905. Les Crabes d'eau douce (Potamoninidae). Nouvelles Archives Du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, (4)7: 159-321.
Rathbun, M. 1906. Les Crabes d'eau douce (Potamoninidae). Nouvelles Archives Du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, (4)8: 33-72.
Smalley, A. E. 1964. A terminology for the gonopods of the American river crabs. Systematic Zoology, 13: 8-31.

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