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Magnetic materials
Magnetic superlattices
Ferro-antiferro interfaces
Exchange bias

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MAGNETIC SUPERNETS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 29(112), 395-409.


Magnetic superlattices, also known as multilayers, are alternating thin layers of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials constructed with thicknesses on the order of magnitude of the characteristic length-range of the magnetic interactions between the layers in thesuperlattices. They have interesting properties with respect to resistance and magnetization. The discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect in this magnetic superlattice allowed the developments of GMR sensors for reading heads of hard discs and non volatile magnetic memories (MRAM). Exchange Bias effect occurs when two materials, one ferromagnetic and another antiferromagnético are in atomic contact after the system is cooled below the respective Neel and Curie temperatures in an external cooling field. Its characteristic signature is the shift of the center of the hysteretic loop from its normal position to H E. The La x Ca 1-x MnO 3 (LCMO) manganite is an ideal system to study exchange bias effect, because depending of the Ca content the system exhibit ferro and antiferromagnetic behavio.

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