nfectious agents provide useful data, especially when identified from the mummified remains of humans and animals found in a particular archaeological excavation site. Precise information can be obtained about their evolutionary processes, phylogeny, geographical distribution and their hosts and reservoirs in the case of parasites. A clear idea regarding the contact which different civilizations or population groups could have had amongst themselves, their migratory movements and possible extinction can also be deduced when medical effects are integrated with archaeological data. Other sciences such as geology, osteopathology, chemistry, anthropology and molecular biology often can provide valuable additiona information. The latter science particularly has gained enormous ground during the last few years. Given its high level of resolution and sensitivity, it has become a very valuable ally for studies and analysis in the area of fossil DNA. Extraction and further amplification of fossil DNA from Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from human mummified bodies dated 9 000 years is reported.
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