Cerro Negro is a relatively isolated topographic eminence situated at Northeast of the Patia river basin, whose lithology suggests the presence of a shallow intrusion, which probably presented an effusive phase. The tectonic, structural and petrographic characteristics suggest the occurrence of phreato-magmatic explosions, followed by magmatic injection, with the subsequent formation of a diatrem. The mineral occurrences in the mentioned mountain, are related to that phenomenon.
Grosse, E. 1934. Acerca de la Geología del Sur de Colombia II, comp. Est. Geol. Of. Col., tomo III, p. p. 139-231.
León, A., Padilla, L. E. & Marulanda, N. 1973. Geología, Recursos Naturales y Geoquímica de la parte NE del Cuadrángulo O-5, El Bordo, Departamento del Cauca. Ingeominas 1973, Inf. 1652, inédito.
Rosas, H. 1976. Ocurrencias Minerales en el Departamento del Cauca. Ingeominas, Inf. 1724, inédito

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