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geomorphological processes
humid tropical mountains
mass wasting
surface erosion

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EROSIONAI PROCESSES IN A SMALL ANDEAN DRAINAGE:UPPER BASSIN OF THE RIO MEDELLÍN. CORDILLERA CENTRAL, ANTIOQUIA. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 28(109), 487-496.


Geomorphic processes were studied during eighteen months in the upper Medellín River Basin, located in the northern Central Cordillera; deposits and processes showed that the area does not have a uniform evolution. Some areas are very stable with very low erosion rates confirmed by runoff and splash erosion monitoring and by the presence of pre-Holocene volcanic ash on moderate slopes; mass movements area predominate in the steepest part of the watershed where denudation rates may reach 0.1 mma -1.

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