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Mycosphaerella fijiensis
M. musicola
Paracercospora fijiensis
Pseudocercospora musae

How to Cite

A RAPID DIAGNOSTIC METHOD FOR MICOSPHAERELLA MUSICOLA LEACH AND M. FIJIENSIS MORELET, CAUSAL AGENTS OF SIGATOKA AMARILLA AND NEGRA. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(105), 619-624. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.27(105).2003.2098


The sexual states of Mycosphaerella musicola and M. fijiensis are similar. Both fungi are primarily differentiated by the morphology of their anamorphs. This research aimed to establish a methodology for rapid diagnosis of M. musicola and M. fijiensis. The method involves using 6 cm3 plastic syringes, from which the front end is removed. The dispensers are filled with agar-crystal violet plus streptomycin and benomyl. Each syringe can yield between 20 and 24 discs. Crystal violet allows differentiation of the two species by staining the conidia, with more intense coloration at the hilum, present in Paracercospora fijiensis and absent in Pseudocercospora musae, the anamorphs of M. fijiensis and musicola. , respectively.

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