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Tropical islands
Landscape ecology
human activities

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ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MÚCURA AND TINTIPÁN ISLANDS. SAN BERNARDO ARCHIPELAGO. COLOMBIA. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(104), 343-356.


An ecological characterization of the terrestrial landscape of the Múcura and Tintipán Islands of the San Bernardo Archipelago appears (Depto. de Bolívar). By means of photo-interpretation, field characterization and the use of GIS, a map was elaborated with 11 different Landscape Units (LU). The Tintipán Island presents the greater diversity of UP (11), dominated by mangrove units (253 ha, 64 %); the remaining units correspond to tops of coralline terraces with secondary vegetation of Tropical Dry Forest (TDF) and cultures of Coconuts, that show different levels of human transformation. The Múcura Island, presents 6 UP dominated by secondary vegetation of TDF and cultures of Coconuts on grounds of calcareous origin (31 ha, 82 %). Both islands have been hit by the extraction of wood and firewood for many decades. Currently, the human activities include the extraction of firewood, extensive agriculture, permanent settlement and an increase in the tourist pressure.

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