A new species of Dicrococliidae (Trematoda: Digenea) found in Mammals in the colombian pacific coast is described. Conspicuum thatcheri n. sp., was found in the livcr of Oryzomys caliginosus (Rodentia), captured in the Vereda Llano Bajo, Municipality of Buenaventura, Cauca Valley, Colombia. This specics differs from Conspicuum pulchrum (only spccics of thc gcnus reportcd for mammals), in that body size is half that of C. pulcrum; thc esophagus is longer: thc tcsticlcs are ovoid and not round located at the acetabular leve! and not posterior to it. Thc vi tell in glands are outsidc of the ceca and not over them, they begin on the anterior part of the acctabulum and not al the tcsticlc levcl. Besides, C. thatcheri has less number of folicles and smaller eggs.
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