High-field fluctuation magnetoconductivity and Hall reversal response in the Hg(Re)Ba2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 8+δ superconductor
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High-field fluctuation magnetoconductivity and Hall reversal response in the Hg(Re)Ba2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 8+δ superconductor. (2014). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 38, 56-70. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.154


Systematic experiments of high-field (up to 50 kOe) fluctuation magnetoconductivity and Hall magnetoresistivity in Hg1-x Rex Ba2 CaCu3O8+d (x=0.18) polycrystalline samples growth by means the quartz tube technique are reported. The analysis of the experimental data was performed by using the recognized Kouvel-Fisher method, which is frequently applied to study of critical phenomena. Very close to the critical temperature TC, a genuinely critical regime of fluctuations characterized by the critical exponent λc =0.32±0.01 was identified in absence of magnetic fields. This result is consistent with the full dynamic 3D-XY universality class predicted by the model E of Hohenberg-Halperin with a dynamic critical exponent z = 3/2. The genuine critical regime become be unstable on the application of external magnetic fields H≈0.1 kOe. Near above the critical temperature TC, the determined exponent λG3=0.52±0.02 was interpreted as corresponding to homogeneous fluctuations, which develop in a space with three-dimensional geometry. This region is destroyed upon the application of magnetic fields above 0.5 kOe. Increasing the temperature, evidences of a homogeneous two-dimensional behavior are observed by means the identification of a λG2=1.02±0.04. Applied fields H>20 kOe destroy this fluctuation regime. Far above TC , effects of disorder and planar anisotropy produce a fluctuation spectrum characterized by a fractal topology with a critical exponent λG2-G1=1.32±0.04. At last, very far TC, a temperature region with λG1=1.52±0.04 was experimentally identified. This corresponds to the confinement of the quasi-particles into the Lowest-Landau-Level, due to the quantization of the electronic states around the axe of application of the external field. Measurements of Hall were performed. In the normal phase, the Hall resistivity is hole-like and inversely proportional to the temperature. In the mixed phase and when the applied field is below μ0H = 2 T, the Hall resistivity shows a double sign reversal. For fields above 2 T, the Hall resistivity remains positive, although qualitatively showing the trends observed at low fields. We attribute this behavior to two independent contributions with opposite sign. A negative term due to thermal fluctuations is relevant near TC, whereas a positive contribution related to vortex motion dominates at lower temperatures. Near the zero resistance state, the Hall resistivity varies as a power law of the longitudinal resistivity, with a field independent exponent β=1.41. PACS: 74.40.+k; 74.25.Bt; 74.60.Ec; 74.72.Bk.  © 2014. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.

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