Coastal wetlands are ecosystems that are being reduced every day due to anthropic factors. In these environments, taxonomic and ecological studies are scarce, especially in the Neotropical zone. Thelack of biological monitoring in these areas has prevented the gathering of evidence on a probable loss of aquatic biodiversity. In the present study, we present the first taxonomic list of aquatic Diptera larvae from two wetlands of the central coast of Perú. Additionally, we describe the breeding of pupae
and the emergence of Ephydridae (Diptera) adults in the laboratory. The sites with the presence of Ephydridae pupae were characterized by shallow waters with a muddy substrate and low vegetation; only Ephydra gracilis pupae were found in shallow pools with no vegetation, floating or embedded in salt crusts. The success of ephedrid flies breeding was 53% as the development of fungi and the emergence of parasitoid Hymenoptera reduced the emergence success of some of the genera. Adult emergence success from Ephydra gracilis was lower than that of others, probably due to the lack of some physicochemical condition only found in its natural habitat. We present a first taxonomic listing of aquatic Diptera for two coastal wetlands, the first record of E. gracilis (Packard, 1871) in South America, and illustrations of the pupae supporting its identification. We also give recommendations for the collection and care of early stages of Diptera flies in the laboratory.
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