Validation of an analytical method by GC-FID for the quantification of styrene and α-methylstyrene
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Validation of an analytical method by GC-FID for the quantification of styrene and α-methylstyrene. (2020). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 44(172), 828-834.


Styrene and α-methylstyrene are substrates of great interest in asymmetric catalysis. Although they have been widely used, known quantification methodologies are restricted to the use of mass spectrometry detectors and are not validated. In the present work, we developed and validated a reliable method by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) for the analysis of non-functionalized olefins (styrene and α-methylstyrene) in a liquid matrix using toluene as the internal standard. We explored validation parameters such as selectivity, linearity, detection limit, quantification limit, precision, and accuracy. The results showed an adequate separation of each olefin under the conditions and range of work implemented (6.83x10-4 mol/L - 4.059x10-3 mol/L). The parameters evaluated are within acceptable values indicating that the validated method is selective, linear, precise, and accurate. This work represents an effort to develop a highly safe, efficient, and validated chromatographic method for the quantification of styrene and α-methylstyrene in liquid matrices for their possible application in the field of resins, plasticizers, and polymers where they are mainly involved.

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