The mourning gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris) is one of the most widely distributed lizard species in the world due to the frequent expansion of its range through accidental translocation by humans. The increased ability of L. lugubris to disperse by anthropic means is facilitated by its unisexual reproduction (parthenogenesis) and saltwater-resistant eggs. The species has been currently reported from several localities in western and central Colombia, extending over 12 of the 32 departments of the country. In this study, we summarize and update the distribution of L. lugubris in Colombia based on both published records and new localities supported by photographic evidence that we obtained or was previously deposited in the iNaturalist database. We also obtained additional records after the revision of several herpetological collections. Our new localities fill distribution gaps and extend the range of the species to the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental and the northwestern limit of the country’s Amazon region. The new records also represent the first for L. lugubris in five departments of Colombia. We discuss the possible dispersal routes and present anecdotal observations on its interaction with other introduced gecko species. Our work highlights the importance of platforms such as iNaturalist to pinpoint the distribution of introduced species, especially for lesser-known taxa and geographical regions.
Palabras clave
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