Sexual propagation and desiccation tolerance of agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Sw) of three seed sources located in Ráquira, San Miguel de Sema (Boyacá) and Gachetá (Cundinamarca)
Portada 42 (163) 2018
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Suárez-Ballesteros, C. I., Calderón-Hernández, M., & Mancipe-Murillo, C. (2018). Sexual propagation and desiccation tolerance of agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Sw) of three seed sources located in Ráquira, San Miguel de Sema (Boyacá) and Gachetá (Cundinamarca). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 42(163), 207–215.


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Vaccinium meridionale is a species with high agri-food potential registered in the high-Andean region of Colombia. Currently there is no established process for its production and fruit harvesting is usually done from wild orchards that are maintained and propagated vegetatively, which can cause loss of genetic diversity. Therefore, we studied its sexual propagation in a greenhouse and its desiccation tolerance. We also evaluated the viability using the tetrazolium test, as well as desiccation tolerance and sexual propagation tests in a greenhouse. The germination response was evaluated with two benefits (fermented and unfermented) and five pre-germinative treatments (500 mgL-1 GA3, 500 mgL-1 KNO3, coconut water 100%, Aloe vera 50%, control by “immersion in water”) of seeds collected in three seed sources located in the municipalities of Ráquira, San Miguel de Sema (Boyacá) and Gachetá (Cundinamarca). There were no differences in the germination percentages and the mean germination time with respect to the seed sources, the benefits and the pregerminative treatments used, for which it is recommended to evaluate another type of substrata and treatments for dormancy rupture. Given the orthodox trait of the seeds of V. meridionale, this species is apt to be conserved ex situ by means of the seed bank strategy. © 2018. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.
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