Se registra por primera vez Chlorarachnion reptans (filum Chlorarachniophyta) para la flora colombiana. Se comentan los principales caracteres de esta especi
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Ludwig, M. & S. P. Gibbs. 1989. Evidence that the nucleomorphs of Chlorarachnion reptans (Chlorarachniophyceae) are vestigial nuclei: Morphology, division and DNA-DAPI fluorescence. J. Phycol. 25: 385-94.
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McFadden, G. I., Gilson, P. R. & L. M. Sims. 1997. Preliminary characterization of carbohydrate stores from chlorarachniophytes (Division: Chlorarachniophyta). Phycol. Res. 45: 145-151.
Moestrup, O. & M. Sengco. 2001. Ultrastructural studies on Bigelowiella natans, gen. et sp. nov., a Chlorarachniophyte flagellate. J. Phycol. 37: 624-646.
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