Imaginarios de naturaleza y el futuro de la biodiversidad
Portada 43 (168) 2019
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Naranjo Henao, L. G. (2019). Imaginarios de naturaleza y el futuro de la biodiversidad. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(168), 480–488.


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The ongoing acceleration of the global environmental crisis calls for urgent and powerful responses both from the nations and the society. Despite the increasing consciousness about the deterioration of biodiversity, and the number of existing instruments, policies, agreements and international conventions to face this problem, indicators of the status of ecosystems, species and populations are in constant decline. It is thus necessary to initiate a new set of actions, different from those derived so far from the initiatives that have been launched over the last 50 years, aimed at the construction of a powerful social imaginary of Nature to be incarnated at all levels of society.


Biodiversity; Social imaginaries; Environmentalism; Conservation.
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