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Fernández-Alonso, J. L. . (2023). STUDIES OF LABIATAE OF COLOMBIA V. A NEW NAME FOR SCUTELLARIA LEPTOSIPHON EPLING. A PLANT REDISCOVERED IN THE CORDILLERA ORIENTAL OF COLOMBIA. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 29(112), 319–324.


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Because the name Scutellaria leptosiphon Epling, assigned to a Colombian species of the Section Cardinales Epling, is an later homonym of S. leptosiphon Nevsky, the new name S. parrae Fern. Alonso is proposed for this plant. An emended description, photographic record and additional information relative to habitat and conservation of this species is presented. This distintive Scutellaria recently rediscovered in cloud forest of Cundinamarca, Colombia, was previously known from an incomplete description, based on the type collection, made in Huila Department in 1880


Labiatae | Colombia | Conservation | Chorology | Scutellaria | Taxonomy
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