The domain of quantum physics can be attained at only indirectly, through abstract constructions of concepts; these last are organized into a coherent and powerful theory, that seems to correspond to the “necessity of the phenomena”, i.e to something objective. In the “interpretation of quantum mechanics”, objectivity (in a general sense) is admitted, but doubt is cast on to what it does refer: to phenomena given through their observation or to real physical objects (the meaning of which should be explicitly stated)? We examine whether this debate can be articulated with that between construction or objectivity set forth nowadays to philosophy of knowledge by the social studies of science. An important element of appreciation is provided by examining the nature of the correspondence between theoretical concepts and their signified: up to which degree does the theoretical representation, that is first by construction of an abstract character, become thereafter a “direct”, “concrete”, “intuitive” one, due to the phenomenal knowledge itself to which it comes to correspond?
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