The reeovery of the iconographical memory, made of pictures, drawings, daguerreotypes, etc., is a fundamental task in the recovery of the Colombian mathematical heritage. Among the few actors in Colombian mathematical history lacking up to now an ieonographical representation, we find the French mathematician Aimé Bergeron, who taught Differential Calculus, among other saubjects, at the Colegio Militar at the beginning of the second half of the 19th century. A written physical and somewhat anecdotal character description of him, found in J. Ma. Cordovez.Moure's Reminiscencias de Santafé y Bogotá, is here reproduced, together with a conjectural caricature by the author of this note.
Albis, Víctor S. & Clara H. Sánchez. 1998. Descripción del curso de cálculo diferencial de Aimé Bergeron en el Colegio Militar: Manuscrito.
Cordovés Moure, José María. 1957. Reminiscencias de Santafé y Bogotá. Madrid: Aguilar.

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