Zamia encephalartoides (Zamiaceae), a threatened, endemic species from a dry, andean location of Colombia, is known from a few populations located in disturbed, geologically unstable slopes. The first report of herbivory by the butterfly Eumaeus cf. minijas Huebn. (Lycaenidae) on this plant is here documented. A high frequence of juvenile stages on leaves and male and female cones was detected; the butterfly uses leaves, sporophylls and seeds of this plant for laying their eggs, for food of their caterpillars and for mechanical support for their pupae. Eggs are laid in groups. Caterpillars are aposematic and gregarious and feed exclusively on this plant, which indicates that they have acquired tolerance and mechanisms to sequester the toxic metabolites present in Zamia. Under artificial conditions, life cycle from egg to imago emergence spans 50 days. It is unlikely that damage due to herbivory severely affects survival of Z. encephalartoides, as this plant produces many leaves on each growing season. Strong damage was not observed, except in three female cones. Factors affecting the pollination system and the over-exploitation of seeds can further decrease the low number of populations and individuals of this plant. As for the butterfly, survival is threatened due to the continuous use of insecticides and habitat destruction in the area.
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